Just Next Door Friends,
With BIG mixed emotions I have decided to close Just Next Door. I have owned JND for 19 years and worked full time for the previous owner for five years before that. And for most of that time I have been happier in my work than I imagine most people are lucky enough ever to be! Perhaps Covid did not help but that is only a piece of it. At this time, it is right for me to move on while I am still young enough to try something different, which I am both excited and terrified about.
Just Next Door is still a very viable business! I have been without a lease for a number of years. Since my landlord passed away there is no clear owner to negotiate a lease at this time. Therefore, I cannot sell the business. The landlord’s children have strongly encouraged me to stay but with no resolution, I do not want to wait any longer.
I thank the community from the bottom of my heart for all the years of support. I have always felt the expression of appreciation for Just Next Door’s place in the community. You have made this a successful business for close to 42 years!
I am heartbroken to leave Auburndale without Just Next door. I have been grateful to keep the connection to the community I grew up in, to contribute to the community, to be an employer for local residents, students and newcomers to this country.
Most Fondly,